Talpiot Program (520) - Bachelor's Degree            
Talpiot is a program of military-academic excellence for training security-technological leadership for the research and development and weapons systems of the Security System.
Master’s courses in the faculty are given in Hebrew unless a foreign student who does not speak Hebrew is taking the course. In such a case the course will be given in English.

Department Officials

Talpiot program students in the first year will be registered in track 2055. Beginning in the second year they will be registered in one of the following study tracks of the faculty, in accordance with the track of their studies in Talpiot. When they complete their studies they will complete the requirements of the track in which they are registered, in addition to the requirements of track 2055 and according to the following notes:

Mathematics track Talpiot students will be registered in track 2051 – extended Mathematics Physics in dual teaching program track.

Physics track Talpiot students will be registered in track 2057 – extended Physics with division in Mathematics.

Computer Studies track Talpiot students will be registered in track 2058 – extended Computer Science with division in Physics.

Combined track Talpiot students will be registered in track 2052 – single teaching program Physics with divisions in Mathematics and Computer Science.

In additions to the requirements of the two study tracks, Talpiot students in all tracks will take 5 credits of Cornerstones courses, including at least one course from the Humanities field and at least one from Social Sciences.

Notes about study tracks

Mathematics track Talpiot students:
a. Instead of course 76641 which is required in track 2051 they will take alternative course 67108, which is required in track 2055.
b. In the framework of compulsory elective studies in track 2051 in years 2 and 3, they must select courses 80520 and 80519, and another four from among the list of compulsory elective courses in this track. Courses 80312 or 80314 cannot be selected.
Physics track Talpiot students:
a. Instead of course 76641 which is required in track 2057 they will take alternative course 67108, which is required in track 2055.
b. Course 80312 must be selected in year 1 and not year 2.

Computer Science track Talpiot students:
a. Instead of course 67101 which is required in track 2058 they will take alternative course 67108, which is required in track 2055.
b. Instead of course 80133 which is required in track 2058 they will take alternative course 80132, which is required in track 2055.
c. Instead of course 76416 which is required in track 2058 they will take the alternative course at the level of the track 76412, which is required in track 2055.
d. Instead of course 80181 which is required in track 2058 they will take a combination of alternative courses 80131, 80132, 80134, 80135, 80114 and 80157, which are required in track 2055.
e. Instead of course 77159 which is required in track 2058 they will take the alternative course 77103, which is required in track 2055.
f. In the framework of selecting between courses 80317 and 80423 in track 2058 course 80423 must be selected.
g. Courses 67316 and 67317 must be taken in semester 1 of year 2, and not in the Summer course version.
h. Course 83536, which is required in track 2055, will be counted for students in this track also as elective credits in track 2058.

Combined track Talpiot students:
a. Instead of course 77159 which is required in track 2052 they will take the alternative course 77103, which is required in track 2055.
b. Instead of course 67101 which is required in track 2052 they will take the alternative course 67108, which is required in track 2055.
c. Course 80312 must be selected in year 1 and not year 2.
d. In the framework of elective Physics studies in track 2052, combined track Talpiot students must select courses 77313, 77605 and 77532, and one of the compulsory elective courses required in the extended Physics track (described in track 2010 or track 2053, an additional seminar cannot be selected in this framework).
Compulsory in the teaching program
Compulsory Mathematics studies

Total in the teaching program

Cornerstone Program

Library and security program

Supplementary studies

Total for the degree (minimum)
Compulsory in the teaching programCompulsory Mathematics studiesTotal in the teaching programCornerstone ProgramLibrary and security programSupplementary studiesTotal for the degree (minimum)
האתר נבנה ע"יהפקולטה למתמטיקה ולמדעי הטבע